How far along:
Impatience, insomnia, mood swings, excitement, depression, lightning pains, desperation, nesting, strange dreams, sore boobs, itchy stretch marks (Sorry TMI?)
Ice, biscuits and the smell of lemon cleaning products
Lots of pushing and shoving, kicks and stabs. He's so strong now, sometimes I wonder if he'll accidentally fall out (if only!)
Extreme lack of restful sleep. If i'm not fidgeting trying to get comfortable, my mind is racing about the birth and upcoming parenthood
Miss Anything:
A smaller body, restful sleep and less hormones
Best Moment:
Being told I don't have gestational diabetes. We are still being closely monitored and baby will need lots of double checks when he's born. At least we don't have anymore stressful blood glucose readings and we have that possible issue ruled out
Worst Moment:
To be honest? every morning, waking up and realising I have another long day of being heavily pregnant. I've had a smooth pregnancy considering, and it's not actually all that bad - but my longing to meet baby is getting extreme
Looking forward to:
Labour and giving birth - if you can't tell. I'm ready
Natural tips and tricks to induce labour, from mums to pinterest, tried and tested:
- Walking - in particular up and down stairs ✓
- Bouncing on exercise ball ✓
- Rest and relaxing ✓
- Hot baths ✓
- Pineapple ✓
- Garlic ✓
- Dates ✗ I hate dates
- Raspberry leaf tea ✓
- Hot spicy curry ✓
- Glass of red wine ✓
- Sex ✓
- Nipple stimulation ✓
- Massage ✓
- Acupressure ✓