How far along:
38 weeks, 9 1/2 months, 266 days
Excitement, lightning pains, cramping, sore pelvis
Sweet things and the smell of a freshly washed dishwasher - that lemon fresh smell, ah!
Lots of fidgeting, involving kicks off my ribs and headbutts into my pelvis
Still uncomfortable, and I'm having the weirdest dreams
Miss Anything:
My friends, enjoying lots of wine, having long hair and wearing a more expansive wardrobe
Best Moment:
Taking back control, getting a grip and enjoying pregnancy again
Worst Moment:
Blood glucose tests - they still make my hands sweat and bring on mild panic attacks
Looking forward to:
The baby, I just want to meet the baby! Gimme
I would like to reach out my hand, I may see you, I may tell you to run, you know what they say about the young. Well I would like to hold my little hand, and we will run, we will crawl, I would like to hold my little hand, and we will run and we will crawl. Send me on my way.
After last week's meltdown I have managed to regain focus and control. I'm enjoying pregnancy again and I'm really looking forward to meeting baby. My blood glucose readings are normal (or maybe borderline?) but they're definitely not high enough for anyone to panic or reach a diagnosis, which I'm taking as a good sign (?). We had a check up earlier this week which was great. Despite cracking up into tears again and again, we had a detailed conversation with a more senior DR about the extra fluid in the placenta. They confirmed baby and bump are an average size - phew! We discussed the possibility that this isn't gestational diabetes, what could be the issue instead, they confirmed there is a possibility of induction, and why, and we talked about all the other possibilities, outcomes and we decided how we were going to deal with it. More hard facts and more answers for us put our minds at rest. I feel like I'm back in control, re-focused and I'm preparing myself for the unknown - which use to frighten me, but now it's actually exciting. Now M and I feel as though we're up to speed with all the information. I'm grateful baby and I are being monitored closely and no matter what is going on down there - baby and I are going to be absolutely fine. I believe that now.