How far along:
28 weeks, 7 months, 196 days
The third trimester.
Tiredness and a sore back
I'm definitely feeling the third trimester. After only an hour or two of shopping yesterday I felt drained. Fridays at work are a struggle now, in fact i'm tired and emotional whenever I'm at work. Also, my back is sore, all the time. I never thought I'd crave maternity leave so much.
Food Cravings:
None, really.
So much!
So much!
Baby has committed himself to a new dance club. Twice daily, sometimes more, with lots of practice in between. According to our midwife baby is head down, with his back going down my left side, with his tiny toots tucked up under my ribs. This would explain his latest routine of rolling around, pushing and bouncing between my pelvis and ribs.
is better than the last few weeks. Phew
Despite the constant back pain and a much heavier bump to support I've been too exhausted to not sleep.
Stretch Marks:
I have some faint marks coming up on my hips. Finally earning my stripes.
Miss Anything:
Nothing, really
Not this week. Just embracing the last few months of pregnancy and looking forward to meeting our baby.
(Wow, how relaxed do I sound?!)
Best Moment:
When my sister surprised me with a preview of some of the treats she's got for baby
My sister lives in New Zealand, so we often text in the mornings. She hears everything from me, from random rants and my worries to funny stories - and most of the time just a mess of in jokes.
This week she sent me a picture of some bits and bobs she'd been collecting for baby boy. Although I'd trade it all in just to have her here, or for us to be there, it made me feel so... reassured.
Mum and Dad have never been materialistic, typically middle class maybe, but never materialistic. However it's been bugging me through out pregnancy how much people freely tell you that 'people' will be spoiling us with 'stuff' for the baby. Only my parents have showered us with substantial presents. It has repeatedly put a load of financial weight on my shoulders when I realise M and I are in this together, but alone. I also appreciated my sister generosity because the things she buys things are our taste, she understands what we need, what we want, how we want to dress baby boy, how particular I am about quality and colours.
I don't mean to sound like a brat, and this probably won't make any sense - but it's obvious when someone is in this for their own pleasure and they buy something in red (1. it's a violent colour 2. it clashes with all of my favourite colours 3. work is themed with the colour red - I mean, we even have red staplers, I don't want a red baby too) Basically, I f*ing hate the colour red. Thank you, J, for being my sane/pre pregnant doppelganger through out this. M, the bump and I love you the most. When I feel like no one actually cares, you pop up like a big bright rainbow.
This week she sent me a picture of some bits and bobs she'd been collecting for baby boy. Although I'd trade it all in just to have her here, or for us to be there, it made me feel so... reassured.
Mum and Dad have never been materialistic, typically middle class maybe, but never materialistic. However it's been bugging me through out pregnancy how much people freely tell you that 'people' will be spoiling us with 'stuff' for the baby. Only my parents have showered us with substantial presents. It has repeatedly put a load of financial weight on my shoulders when I realise M and I are in this together, but alone. I also appreciated my sister generosity because the things she buys things are our taste, she understands what we need, what we want, how we want to dress baby boy, how particular I am about quality and colours.
I don't mean to sound like a brat, and this probably won't make any sense - but it's obvious when someone is in this for their own pleasure and they buy something in red (1. it's a violent colour 2. it clashes with all of my favourite colours 3. work is themed with the colour red - I mean, we even have red staplers, I don't want a red baby too) Basically, I f*ing hate the colour red. Thank you, J, for being my sane/pre pregnant doppelganger through out this. M, the bump and I love you the most. When I feel like no one actually cares, you pop up like a big bright rainbow.
Worst Moment:
My motivation to go to work at the moment is at an all time low. I love my team but the pressure is getting me down. I want to slow down and begin to unwind but my inbox is busier than ever, the work isn't slowing down, I'm anxious that the team will prefer my mat cover, or that the cover will F everything up.
Looking forward to:
Maternity Leave
If you can't tell already. I can't wait to be in our new house, to let go of work - the pressures and anxiety, to have a long break from commuting, lots of relaxing baths, dog walks and taking it easy. Come on February!