Gorillaz review

Confined by a lackadaisical mood this morning. Phased by stale smoke, a dizzy head and aching bones. In other words, I am hung over. In contrast, there’s snow outside. Random little flakes are still falling. It’s pretty soothing. Cigarette. IPod > shuffle >GorillazOn Melancholy hill. Coincidence or fate? Either way I kiss my IPod with approval. I just listen whilst looking out over the valley and the little boxes made of ticky tacky. Sinking into their fictional universe, I begin to question why I haven’t given these animated characters a good listening to before. Oh sure I was stunned by Dare and Feel Good Inc. et cetera but they never quite gave my ears that fulfilment. THAT satisfaction. This song is doing the job though. Layered like a cake, the pleasant four chord melody levels well with the plinking pizzicato strings, which strum on your taste buds. The vocals are as musing as the lyrics like delicate icing and the spongy drums make the base. My toes are numb. I am epically chilled out, because of the song or the snow? I don’t care. I could reluctantly turn into ice right now whilst the electric string riff tugs me into a fantasy full of soft clouds of synth and whistles.  

cause you are my medicine, when you’re close to me