I'm moving on

It's time to jump ship and start fresh. I've started a new blog (or I've moved Fanciful Discords to a new platform to be more exact)

"I started blogging in 2010 focusing on music - album reviews, gig reviews and random ramblings. I did this casually alongside writing freelance for various online music publications and websites. Overtime my day job became more demanding, the posts became more personal and the random ramblings took over the reviews... Since then, I've written about my experiences with pregnancy and the birth of my baby boy. Although I still have a fascination with music, my posts have moved on to cover lifestyle aspects - life as a mama in particular..." 
Please check it out, follow, subscribe, like, comment, share, say Hi. Don't forget to re-subscribe for email updates.

I'm going to leave this blogspot as it is.

Thanks for sticking with me!

Hannah x

The Playlist | July 2017

I was tempted to review the Fireman Sam theme tune and  'Jelly On A Plate' for this months playlist - but I just managed to regain my mind from mothering mush. My brain has been hijacked by a black sheep and its being scrambled by five little speckled frogs. Wednesday's 'Rhyme Time' baby group went a miss today, for my sanity. 

Michael has gone to Scotland for a sporting event so I'm home alone tonight, and for the rest of the week. I should starfish the bed, catch as many hours sleep as I can ready for the dreaded 1am and 4am feeds. Instead I am making the most out of the free time and lack of any distractions like Orange Is The New Black (omg that series is good!)